Welcome to Ceanothus ~ See, I Know This!

We are an association of professional, hobby, and student field botanists interested in educating each other to KEEP BOTANY ALIVE! Our desire is to create a supportive environment to learn botany identification skills from one another and to share our knowledge of plants and plant communities.

We meet regularly in northern California to practice keying out plants using The Jepson Manual and other plant identification resoures.

Our goals:
* To practice identifying plants;
* To use The Jepson Manual (Second Edition) and become more familiar with plant terminology;
* To share our knowledge and educate each other about plant taxonomy;
* To discuss and learn about our California plant communities; and
* To have fun!

If you are interested in learning more about our collaborative plant identification workshops, please send an email to Ceanothusfieldbot [at] gmail [dot] com.

Calendar (click on event for more information)

Workshop Plant Lists

Saturday, February 16, 2013

We're back from the holiday break! The following are the plants we keyed out at the UC Davis herbarium:

Ribes malvaceum var. malvaceum
Chapparal currant
Marah c.f. fabacea
California man-root
Arctostaphylos sp.
Avena fatua
Wild oat